General woodworkers rule of thumb – it’s easier to drill a hole than cut out a rectangle. It’s plywood is on the softer side of the spectrum but not completely fragile and it’s easy to drill to. A wine bottle box for the win! It had tilt-able front panel, dimensions seemed to be perfect. Checked all the boxes I’ve found in the cellar.

It was taking too much time and effort to transfer all the building blocks into 3D and I already knew that there will be a lot of unforeseen design surprises when it comes to fitting all parts together. I’ve started designing a custom made case to be laser-cut from MFD. Originally I wanted to have something in Roland’s desktop V-Synth form factor, including the handles 🙂 Naked Evolution UC-16 in the background – old class compliant MIDI controller chosen as easy way of adding tactile knobs. Adafruit’s 5″ LCD was the clear choice because of the simple connections and the size fitting into 3U rack height that I took as a maximum dimension constraints. The customers feedback didn’t lie as I found out later. The best contender seemed to be the IQ Audio Pi-DAC+ sold also through. Then I looked for the sound card options because I knew the sound was poor on 1st gen RPi’s. Luckily I had at home the good old Evolution UC-16 laying around unused. I’m not electro-technically educated so I dismissed the possibility of making my own control surface but customized Teensy based MIDI controller would be viable option. The RPi version of SunVox was already available. Actually since the latest Raspberry Pi 2 came out. The idea of dedicated SunVox synth box was maturing in my head for quite some time. > MicroUSB power port with power switch (just to utilize a power adapter I had) Early stages of development, testing the wiring. > 1 USB port (free for additional USB hub and peripherals)
#Sunvox custom sounds full#
> Raspbian OS – the mind of the box, pre-configured version from IQ Audio with full support of Pi-DAC+ > IQ Audio Pi-DAC+ – the mouth of the box, full and strong sound > Raspberry Pi 2 B – the heart and muscles of the box, overclocked 1GHz quad-core, 1GB RAM, 16GB MicroSD card > SunVox (Virtual Modular Music Studio) – the soul of the box, v1.9+ is needed for MIDI knob mapping

So take this article as an inspiration for building your own ‘celestial box’ 😉 I can imagine putting together a DIY kit with all the parts, laser-cut custom designed case, custom made Teensy based MIDI controller and sell that but the price would probably be too high for a regular sythusiast (I just made this word up :D). MoonBox is pure DIY project and currently I don’t see the chance of producing this box commercially to answer some of the questions I’ve received. Also the color of the box came out kinda ‘moonish’. The name MoonBox title expresses the link to SunVox, as it’s smaller celestial brother. To connect one module (source) to another (destination): first touch on the source, second touch on the destination.In this article I would like to share the way I’ve built the MoonBox – Raspberry Pi 2 Synthesizer powered by awesome multi-platform SunVox Virtual Modular Music Studio. The main menu - button with the SunVox icon in the upper left corner of the screen. It is also available for other systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, etc.).
#Sunvox custom sounds free#
#Sunvox custom sounds mod#